SWEET AND SPICY! I took this picture near the window of my room because it's the only place I have light! I was very hungry this afternoon because I was so busy with work and kept putting off lunch. So, I decided to make my favorite loaded salad. And while watching Law and Order Criminal Intent, I woofed it down!
1 Veggie Masala Patty (This has become my favorite frozen patty from Trader Joes...even my sister Meena loves it...and she's not a Vegetarian...it has great Indian flavor..I wish it had more Protien though...)
1 piece of Corn bread (Those dimples are real corn, I added soy milk and real corn to this recipe to add more fiber to it. My mom was always doing this when my sister and I were little...and we hated it! But I love it now.)
2 c of Spinach
1 handful of Grape Tomatoes
1/4 c of corn
1 tbsp of Raisins
2 tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar
1 tbsp of Tomato Chutney (This has no fat! And is only 20 calories a tbsp!! Which is good for me because I tend to add Hummus to my salads and go over board...adding more calories than I need. I put this Chutney on top of all my salads now to add some sweet spice...I got it from Trader Joes...and it is my new favorite...Hummus is taking a back seat.)
From this meal, I have 4 servings of veggies: spinach, corn, tomatoes! Yes.
So Im gonna make this tonight. I'll let you know just how good I find it :)