Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sophia's Dont Eat This on a Date SALAD!!!

ONIONS!!! and FISH!!! eww, this pic doesn't look to appetizing, lol. but i like it.

I'm not that hungry but I have to work late so it's smart to eat. I don't want to starve later at work and end up eating sweets at the job or come home and scarf down a meal. By having a salad i'll make it through the night and probably wont need anything later on tonight.

- broiled fish, provides protein
- avocado
- onions
- Tastee salad dressing (Stacy hates this dressing, lol. Its not the healthiest choice, its heavy and sweet.
In my hand i have some left over chips from the cookies i made Doc and Afam. I had a tiny chocolate craving

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