Friday, February 27, 2009

Stacy's PBJ and B Lunch

HERE. WE. GO. I have a long day tomorrow. I have class from noon to three...and I normally do not get hungry until about one...right in the middle of my teacher's main argument. Then after class I'm working out and then going straight to THE NEW GROUP theater to help out with the new show. So I decided to create a very fun and filling lunch. I am so excited! And there is nothing like being excited to eat a lunch you've prepared the night before...

2 tbsp of crunchy trader joe's PB, 9 g of protein, 2 grams of fiber
2 slices of Pepperidge Farm Carb Style Bread, 10 g of protein, 6 g of fiber
2 tbsp of grape jelly
1 large ripe banana, about 11 g of fiber
1 tbsp of raisins and cranberries, I topped the jelly side of the bread with these...
2 tsp of honey, I decided to drizzle some honey on the bread....devine!

From this meal, I get 19 g of protein and 19 g of fiber. GO ME!

Just to have something living (besides my beautiful banana), I'm going to pair this sandwich with some baby carrots. Which will be nice and crunchy and help me forget my tortilla chips for a while.

This new bread that I finally decided to get (I was under the weird impression that having bread in the house would make me gain weight...a weird diet myth that I decided to DEBUNK...because I'm not on a diet) is so delicious. AND ONLY 60 CALORIES A SLICE! YES and YUM.

Healthy facts about Bananas from
Food Chart

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