Monday, February 2, 2009

Stacy's New Favorite Eats from Trader Joes!

Before I came to New York I lived in the South Suburbs of Illinois and had never heard of Trader Joes...even though there are plenty in downtown Chicago. Anyway...once I got here and tried to go to Jewel or Walt's...I was shocked to see there wasn't one! So I was forced to shop organically. Which, after a while, I realized is the best thing for me.

My new Trader Joe Loves

Organic High Fiber O's...These are delicious with Silk Soy Milk and nice and crunchy. There are 9g of fiber in each 1 1/4 cup.

Thompson's Organic Rasins....Delish. I put them in and on everything. Soups, Salads, Stir-fry. They are a nice sweet treat and are 2g of fiber per 1/4 cup.

Canola Spray...This is good for me when I'm making Stir-fry. It becomes less fattening for me than using Olive Oil...which I tend to go over board with. Also this is good for spraying the pan for Cookies and Cakes. No added or artificial ingredients.

Balsamic Vinegar...Great on Salads. I decided to use my own dressings when I was away in London because all my friends were doing it. I even sometimes use Balsamic Vin in Pasta Dishes and Chili. It gives it a nice sweetness and a great KICK.

Cinnamon Almonds....A great dessert for me when I want something sweet and crunchy. I even throw these into my cereal sometimes in the morning and they make my Silk Soy Milk a cinnamon, sugar delight. Yum.

Raw Almonds...They are sooo great for you. Loaded with Vitamin E. I just wish there were Raw Almonds with a little salt on them...but I guess they wouldn't be Raw then...:(

Extra Virgin Olive Oil...Great with Salads...I only use a Tbsp. And I measure it out no matter what. This can be tricky.

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