Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stacy's Interesting Findings from THE DIET CURE

THE DIET DOWNFALL? I have been reading the THE DIET CURE by Julia Ross off and on for a while. I got it from Borders when I was home in Chicago over Winter Break. I decided to begin reading it again because I felt myself going into DIET mode and trying to DIET again...and I think this book has lots of interesting facts to keep me out of the desire to restrict. I know for some people, my friend Margaux included, dieting works and does not make her go crazy. Whereas my other friend Lisa, does not diet but she eats only healthy foods. I think I am a cross between both of them. I like watching what I eat and indulging at times like Margaux and I love eating healthy foods and cooking healthy foods like Lisa...who knows. No matter what, it's always important to do what is right for you. I just think this book raises some interesting points which might help the in-betweens like myself.

A section that I thought was interesting to share was

according to THE DIET CURE by Julia Cross

1. Do not Skip Meals. Eat three substantial, balanced meals (containing protein, fat, and carbs) per day. Skipping breakfast automatically slows the metab and induces afternoon and evening food well as overeating.

2. Eat at least 25% of the day's cals at breakfast. Breakfast is the only meal that spees up calorie burning. You may be able to stop all compulsive eating simply by adding a solid breakfast that emphasizes protien, at least 20 grams. I was shocked by this. WOW.

3. Do not undereat. A study done by Dr. Wayne Calloway, an expert in Third World malnutrition as well as eating disorders discovered that people actually gained weight when eating a diet of 700 calories per day. And when he raised their intake above 1,500 calories (with 25% taken in at breakfast) they finally began to loose weith. WOW.

4. Start your meals with plenty of protein. (fish, chicken, beef, tofu, turkey, eegs, etc.) 20 grams or more of protien will reduce your interest in empty carbs making you alert and strong.

5. Eat unlimited amounts of green veggies with your protein. Eat some red adn yellow ones too.

6. For snacking, eat fruit or veggies with protein. For example, nuts, seeds, or cheese.

7. Be sure to include some good fats in each meal for optimal health and to trigger your appetite to turn off. Eat nuts, seeds, salad oil, olives, and avocados.

8. Stop counting calories and fat grams. You don't have to worry about crunching numbers to be healthy.

I thought this was interesting...and valuable information. I think I'm going to try to do more variety in the morning rather than just breakfast cereals because I am hungry at night most of the time and that is when I have an extra bowl of cereal or desire cookies or chips. Hmm...we will see.

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