Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Stacy's Spaghetti Lunch

LADY AND THE TRAMP. I can't remember the last time I had spaghetti. And when I think about spaghetti, I immediately am reminded of Lady and the Tramp and that wonderful scene when they're slurping up the noodles together. I decided to be romantic with myself and pack a spaghetti creation for my lunch. I tend to get very hungry on Wednesdays because I have my internship from 12pm to 6pm and by 5pm I'm always ready to eat a bear (a vegetarian bear that is...) So I decided to pack an apple and a nice helping of trail mix. Yum.

Stacy's Spaghetti

1 soy Sun-dried Tomato Italian Sausage from Trader Joes (Protein!)
Whole Wheat Spaghetti from Trader Joes (Fiber and Protein!)
Spaghetti Sauce from Trader Joes
About 6 Asparagus
Fat Free Feta

Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil
Black Pepper

Stacy's Snack

1 Fuji Apple

Trail Mix: Sunflower Seeds, Cranberries, Raw Almonds

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