Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stacy's Huevos Rancheros


Gold Street Diner

2 Gold St. New York, NY 10038 (At Platt Street)

For my sister's last day in New York City we had a delicious brunch at Gold Street Diner. I decided to be risky and get Huevos Racheros which I've always wanted to get but have feared...this time I went in for the kill. It was so delicious! It was packed with beans, salsa, and eggs...and cheese! It came with some delicious sweet plaintains on the side. Yum. I stayed full for hours. I'm about to go running along the misty Hudson River to clear my head and work off some of the Magnolia Cupcakes I kept hostage in my stomach this weekend...

Huevos rancheros


(Ranch Eggs) is a classic Mexican breakfast dish similar to Huevos motuleños which has become popular throughout much of the Americas.

Huevos rancheros means "eggs ranch-style" or "eggs country-style" in Spanish. The dish traditionally was served at the large mid-morning breakfast, or almuerzo, on rural farms where workers had a much smaller meal at dawn.

The basic version of huevos rancheros consists of corn tortillas fried lightly, and fried eggs with a tomato-chili sauce. Refried beans (frijoles refritos), slices of avocado, fried potatoes, and extra chili peppers are common accompaniments. Scrambled eggs can be used instead of fried eggs.

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